The Idiots Guide to the Idiots Guide to Adulting

I've decide my slogan for this blog is going to be: **The most dumbed down guide to "Adulting" ever!**

Shouldn't be to hard of a challenge that shouldn't be too difficult considering I'm going to use my own life for examples, especially the experiences where I learned what NOT to do, which I seem to have a special knack for finding... and repeating...

Though my hope is that outside of an outlet for my disturbed inner monologue, this blog will also serve as a valuable resource to anyone else finding themselves in similar life crises and catharthsis. And if that doesn't happen, this blog should at least provide some huge comedic value (trust me when I say this is the only part I can guarantee.)

Join me as I stumble entirely unprepared through various confusing "Adulting Skills" that they don't warn us about in school, like:
  • Talking to your aging parents about bullies, letting go of grudges, the importance of making friends & being social.
  • Talking to your teens about hygiene, cross-dressing and the importance of learning "vanilla" relationship dynamics before diving right into 50 Shades of Crazy.
  • Getting your picky first grader to eat healthy, start doing some chores and stop charming their way out of every rule and consequence.
  • Talking to your spouse about anxiety, courage, mid-life crises & how to service you properly.
  • Surviving Nuclear Fallout style Relationship Fights, what not to do on facebook if you think you're breaking up, choosing a 'kink aware' couples therapist, and keeping yourself sane while you wait for your spouse to get medical and psychological assistance.
  • Ways to spice up your rut-obsessed sex life, keeping your legs from cramping up while you're 'doing it', and how to recognize that your spouse is a closet submissive.
  • Coping with chronic stress, overwhelming debt, life-altering chronic pain conditions and teaching your inner adult to stop colluding with your inner-adult.
  • How to spot fake friends, making new friends, and what to do if any of your new friends turn out to be outrageously crazy.
  • The art of getting political, keeping yourself from being fed partisan bullsh*t, and how to make sure you don't get associated with radical weirdos when you realize the entire system is corrupt. 
  • Attempting and achieving some personal development while keeping the family afloat and being the sole income earner running your own business and not letting the laundry get behind
  • And much more as it all comes along.
Subscribe now while it's early and you'll get the most out of the blog, at least in terms of smiles =)
